Dalston vs. Redfern
Dalston in East London and Redfern in Sydney share very similar qualities. Late to catch on, they are both now creative inner-city hubs with a ‘rough around the edges’ appeal. In Dalston a contemporary, two bedroom apartment in Lutheran Mews, on Dalston Lane, gets you a small spot in a boutique, gated complex with one car park for $AUD 1.8 mil.
The same money spent here in Redfern, would get you something like 266 Chalmers Street. A freestanding, five bedroom terrace with one bathroom, a yard and two car spaces. This property recently sold for $AUD 1.9mil.
If you want a more modest, ground floor studio in Dalston, at the rear of a internet cafe on the Kingsland Road, you will have to part with £369,181 or $AUD740,000 to get a slice of happening E8.
No surprises here. London ranks high over Sydney for price and well under for lifestyle.
London quick facts
- Population: 8.5 million
- Median House price: $AUD 1,002,782.72
- Avg. Household income: $AUD 250,000
- Avg sizeof home: 21 sqm
- Cost per square metre: $AUD 22,000
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